Chiggers & Mozzies (Mosquitos) get you down - We have a Guide for you..

If you are like I am then the answer is a RESOUNDING YES...

Before I moved to Ohio from Australia it was only Mosquitos which affected me & even whenthey did, they were only mildly annoying.  There were no "chiggers".  Actually I had never even heard of them until moving here and marrying Steven.  The last 2 Summers have been miserable for me.  Where hot days in Australia used to mean shorts, sandals & tank tops - here in humid Ohio, I have been reduced to my summers being spent in long pants, socks & shoes along with spraying copious amounts of poisonous repellent all over my body.

But, it still didn't stop them, and once these nasty little vampires had gotten hold of me the itching became UNBEARABLE and lasted for weeks.  The scars on my ankles, legs and wrists from scratching these chigger bites were so bad that many a time they led to secondary infections and the CONSTANT taking of allergy tablets to help ease the urge to scratch my skin off right down to the bone.

The ugly bites and scars also meant that I could not wear a skirt, dress or even Capri pants on searing hot Summer days without feeling self-concious.

Believe it or not, I even subjected myself to the excruciating pain of pouring straight alcohol into the bleeding sores to try and stop the incessant desire to itch - ummmm just so you know THAT didn't work, and only reduced me to a blubbering, crying mess.

Well, after the past two unbearable summers, and a TON of research, I totally pysched myself up this past Memorial Day weekend and was prepared to be BITTEN to death, (as Memorial Day seems to be when it always starts), although these evil critters don't really affect anyone else in my home.... I must just have "tasty blood".

Over the past couple of months, (in order to tackle my new fear of Summer) and based on my extensive research, I prepped our yard environment (we live on over an acre of woods and grassy land on a lake - YES PRIME mozzie & chigger breeding conditions)....

Let me tell you that I spent the entire Memorial Day weekend outsie, (this includes after it rained which brought the humid warm air & damp ground, another Mozzie & Chigger loving scenario) .... and you know what - my efforts have paid off! Did I get a bite? (well one, but that occurred when I was off our newly secured premses).  In comparison to the past, I am literally JUMPING up and down with joy, instead of madly scratching like a monkey with fleas.

So, if you have to take deep breaths before going outside, if you fear summer and (strangely) would prefer the icy, sowy months of winter - there are SOME SAFE and easy solutions which you can implement to rid yourself of these annoying critters.

Please note: that because we live on a lake property (where kids swim etc) we also have to watch what we use in our yard as the run off goes into the lake.  The solutions which we are going to share with you, are safe for you, your kiddos, your pets and also the environment.

What we discovered is that you have to perform a couple of different steps - some for your direct living/yard environment and a couple for you personally (it's a layered approach)

If you would like to know how we did it click on the pay now button below and for ONLY $2.50 (yes you read that correctly ONLY $2.50) we will email to you a detailed 6 page Step-by-Step guide to help YOU reclaim your summer. This report is absolutely invaluable to Chigger & Mozzie sufferers and I could easily put a $$ figure on it of upwards of $40 (which BELIEVE me I, myself would have gladly paid considering I have actually spent in excess of HUNDREDS of $$ on products (which were useless) to test as well as months of time in research).  The reason which we are giving YOU this guide at such a low price is because I personally know what a misery these creatures bring and I hate to see others suffering as I did. Click on the PAY now button - you will be charged ONLY $2.50 for this invaluable information which will be emailed to you shortly, make sure that you give us your correct email address 
Only $2.50 to help you reclaim your Summer Outdoor Freedom, and allow you to enjoy sitting outside without having to wear your Hazmat Suit.