Allergies? or is it YOUR air?

Well it's that time of the year again - or IS IT REALLY the air YOU are breathing inside??
Do you find yourself suffering from allergies that you NEVER had before.
Suddenly you are allergic to dogs/cats or even start to feel unwell when you are anywhere indoors?

Americans spend 90% of their time indoors - sad/but true, whether at home, work, inside their car, shopping malls etc.

Did you know that toxic chemicals found in common commerical and household cleaners dispersed around your home, car, and other indoor environments which everyone is then either breathing or touching are more than 3 times likely to cause cancer than other air pollutants?  And they DEFINITELY increase "allergies", respiratory problems and asthma (read previous article).

According to the American Cancer Society prior to the 20th Century only 1 in 8,000 people were stricken with cancer. Since the industrial revolution and the introduction of a myriad of chemicals into our lives the incidence of cancer has increased to a startling 1 in 3 people.

Since WWII more than 80,000 chemicals for use in cleaners, pesticides, plastic, personal care products, industrial products and other modern day conveniences. There is LITTLE known about the effects of these chemicals (individually let alone combined) on a child's development.

All purpose cleaners, room deodorizes, kitchen detergents, disinfectants, furniture polishes, glass cleaners, laundry detergents, metal polishes, furniture sprays, spot treatments, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners,  car cleaners, etc.  contain so many chemicals and toxic hazardous materials (many which I can't even pronounce).  Just imagine how many of these you USE on a daily basis (on TOP of your personal care products). 

Can you even begin to imagine the impact of the compounding effects of each of these chemicals as they slowly build up in your body and also in the bodies of your children and your pets - who you probably aren't allergic to anyway (it is all the toxins that they are carrying around on them from inside your home, from your garden where you spray pest poisons, weed poisons, from the streets where they walk around and pick up other poisons) then you let them back into your home sitting all over your furniture, bedding, playing with your children.... hmmmmm

Frightening isn't it? We can help you with safer non-toxic solutions, just visit our website for more information.

Listed here are just SOME of the toxins found in those household products and what some of the KNOWN effects are of them.

Chlorinated materials, glycol ether, Stoddard solvent, naphta, kerosene, Sodium bromide, methoxychlor, aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, pikperonal butixide, butyl cellosove, diglycol laurate, amyl acetate, mineral spirits, tetrapotassium pyrophasphate, fluosilicate,  and more and more...

These chemicals are KNOWN to cause the following health concerns - do any of the symptoms sound familiar to you:-

Liver and Kidney poisoning, confusion, headaches, lack of concentration, symptoms of mental illness, allergic reactions, cancer, central nervous system depressants, death, upper respiratory tract irritations, brighteners in laundry detergent can cause STRONG allergic reactions when exposed to sunlight.

Actually each of those household chemicals mentioned - all cause those previous health concerns - again HOW many of them are you using?  Combine the usage and imagine just bathing yourself in one big chemical pot of toxins. Head over to either of our sites either here or here for information on how we can help you.