What are your children breathing in at School?

Schools SHOULD be using non-toxic cleaning products – Is YOURS?

So you’ve made the switch to a healthier home for you and your family because you want everyone to feel better and be SAFE – right? 

But what about where your kiddos spend the better part of their day? School… sitting on things, touching things, playing on the floor? Nearly 1 in 8 school aged children have asthma. This rate is rising most rapidly in pre-school aged children (which is Why YOU should make the switch to healthier Non-toxic products). As a concerned parent, a tax-payer you have the right to know what your school is using to clean the environment where your children spend their day – don’t you? So ask – and then if they are using toxic chemicals – demand them to STOP.

Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism due to chronic illness. Every year asthma accounts for 14 million lost days of school! When Non-Toxic cleaners are used in your home and also in the school environment there will be a measurable improvement in the attitudes and behavior of the students.

Children are more attentive and better behaved because of the lack of neurotoxins or "brain poisons" found in chemical cleaning products. It is difficult to learn in an environment in which one does not feel good. Absenteeism (of students AND teachers) will also be reduced, since immune system deficiency is linked to toxic cleaning chemicals.

But children are not the only beneficiaries of using non-toxic cleaners. Janitorial staff often has direct contact with high concentrations of cleaning chemicals and therefore may suffer serious and direct injury due to their use. Janitorial workers experience relatively high injury rates, many of which are due to the toxic chemicals found in cleaning products, particularly floor and carpet maintenance products, disinfectants and specialty cleaners. These chemicals can cause headaches, asthma, burns, permanent eye damage, major organ damage and even cancer.

Did you know pesticides can be found in disinfectants and sanitizers and that is why they must be registered with the EPA? So what to do? First and foremost – go and learn some more check out what products YOU are using and how bad the chemicals in them are (why do you think they are labeled as POISON?).

Do you know how many calls are made to the poison hotline EVERY year because a child has swallowed some of the poisonous toxic chemicals in your house?
Well it is more than 2 million (yes you read that correctly) and 50% of those are related to children under the age of 6..

Don’t believe me – believe the facts … and check it out yourself. http://www.epa.gov/opp00001/health/poisonprevention.htm

We at Preserve-it Ltd, can help you – we offer a Eco-Consulting service for your home and we carry non-toxic & Eco-friendly supplies. We can also help your local school turn over a new leaf, with walk-throughs, advice, speak at PTA and other committee meetings as well as help you with “Green” fundraising. Contact us for any further information that you might need.