Tava Tea organic wellness blend

Tava Tea Wellness Blend is in theory, tea just like any other kind but that is where any kind of comparison ends.

Oolong, Puerh and Sencha are essential types of tea much like Earl Grey and Darjeeling. However, Tava Tea is a much unparalleled blend of these three teas has always been recognised but this special blend of Tea contains a large number of nutrients. Oolong (otherwise known as Wu Long) Sencha and Puerh teas have been put to use in China for over five hundred years. .Sencha has very high levels of Catechin, a type of Polyphenol and a powerful antioxidant. Though there are various kinds of different Polyphenols, Catechins are the strongest. The most powerful catechin, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is plentiful in green tea. But each variety will vary in its power, quality and effectiveness.

It is very unusual to come across a herbal product that comes with a guarantee of being 100% organic. This means that no fertilizers or any unnatural man made method has been used in the cultivating of these herbs or in the manufaction of Tava Tea.
It is organically grown and produced using only the finest whole Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh tealeaves of the best possible standard. It is largely effective for weight loss as well as general healing of the body. It is clinically proven to help reduce the amount of body fat and balance cholesterol levels.

Many benefits of this tea include: easier digestion, reduction of bloating and it will burn up to twice as many calories as ordinary Green tea.
It reduces the effects of the carbohydrates you eat if you drink Tava Tea just 15 minutes before consuming carbohydrates.

It achieves this by reducing the level of insulin that is produced when weight is gained. Tava Tea also contains a great amount of powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, which can damage the body at the cellular level and make it far more susceptible to cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases.
It has been shown to calm your mind and body as it contains the amino acid L-theanine that is in charge of boosting alpha brain wave activity which increases the production of the calming neutrotransmitting chemicals Dopamine and Serotonin in the brain.

And amazingly, a 50% reduction in free radicals was found in individuals who participated drank Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea for just 15 days which helps to slow down the process of ageing. People who consume 2 or more cups of Wu Long Tea a daily are proven to be at a 26% lower risk of suffering with heart disease.

Having tried this product myself for over a month now, I have noticed that my "short fuse" which happens when all the kids are at home from school for summer vacation ... just doesn't appear as short (grin).  Also I am rarely bloated during those special times which us women have to endure, as I continue using this product I will let you all know of any other benefits (I can't really vouch for the weightloss side of things, as I am not overweight).
it does come with a full guarantee - so why not check it out here

Save Energy and Money in the Laundry Room

Your laundry room can really give the environment and your wallet a true beating. Here are some handy dandy tips to help you save a bundle in this area - not only reducing your impact on the environment but also cutting down your energy and your water bills. 

Try a few (or all of them out).

  • Wash full loads only, but don't "overload".  It takes about as much energy to wash a small load as it does to wash a full load.  Full loads also save water.
  • Wash and rinse in cold water whenever possible.  Remember that energy is usd to "heat" the water as well as to run the washer.
  • Follow detergent directions for your particular washer nd avoid oversudsing.  Oversudsing makes your washer work hader, so always easure detergent carefully instead of estimating the amount to use. 
  • If you really want to go green might I suggest that you look into the benefits of using SOAPNUTS (are not nuts), but berries - they are a natural solution (which have been used for thousands of years).  You simply place 6-8 of these soap berries into a muslin bag and add the bag to your laundry load. Hypoallergenic, safe for everyone - can be used on even the dirtiest of loads.
  • Obviously the BEST way to dry your clothes to save energy and lower your carbon footprint is to HANG dry clothes outside (sunshine is also a great way to brighten clothes and remove germs).
  • However if you are using the dryer, dry similar thickness clothes together.  This avoids having to run additional cycles for slower drying items.
  • Don't overdry your items - aside from wasting energy, overdrying can cause unecessary shrinkage and wrinkling.
  • Dry consecutive loads - the energy usedto bring the dryer up to operating temperature shouldn't be allowed to go to waste.
  • Remove items from the dryer as soon as tumbling stops.  If clothes become wrinkled from lying in the dryer, extra energy must be used to iron or re-dry them.
  • Clean the lint filter after each load to maintain full airflow and mazimize drying efficiency.  A clogged filter slows drying and wastes energy.

Cable Bills - get rid of them once and for all

Over the past few months we have gone on a energy savings and cost savings drive.  One of the offenders in our home was the cable service, we had been paying in excess of $70 per month, just for the luxury of having a bunch of channels at our fingertips.  So it was $70+ per month, for the service, but then we had 3 cable boxes (all running power and vampire power) which of course increases our monthly electricity bill (and has a negative impact on the environment). 

By turning to services such as Hulu, and Netflix we have drastically cut down on our yearly (lets say approximately $1000) expenditure, without losing out on the entertainment of watching programs we all like.

Then we discovered Stream Direct if you have ever thought about having a shortcut to watch live play or matches in your home? Stream Direct enables you to watch live shows in your own home, eating popcorn or a lollipop, lying on the couch. All of this can come true as long as you have the software and your computer will receive the signals and your favorite show will be displayed on your computer/tv. You don’t need even need to worry about the installation. The only thing you need to consider is enjoying the show.
How do You to Make it Come True?

1. Download Stream Direct
Stream Direct will enable you to link to a large amount of channels, such as music play, TV shows, sport matches, and many other on-the-spot broadcastings. So the first thing you need to do is download the simple software and install it on your computer. It will only cost you a low one-time fee for downloading, far less than most of us are already spending EVERY month. And then this software will come into play. It will enable your computer to search and receive the streams. If you want to see your bills diminish, your lifestyle stay the same you need to check it out.. now... and say ....Goodbye Cable Bills ...

Chiggers & Mozzies (Mosquitos) get you down - We have a Guide for you..

If you are like I am then the answer is a RESOUNDING YES...

Before I moved to Ohio from Australia it was only Mosquitos which affected me & even whenthey did, they were only mildly annoying.  There were no "chiggers".  Actually I had never even heard of them until moving here and marrying Steven.  The last 2 Summers have been miserable for me.  Where hot days in Australia used to mean shorts, sandals & tank tops - here in humid Ohio, I have been reduced to my summers being spent in long pants, socks & shoes along with spraying copious amounts of poisonous repellent all over my body.

But, it still didn't stop them, and once these nasty little vampires had gotten hold of me the itching became UNBEARABLE and lasted for weeks.  The scars on my ankles, legs and wrists from scratching these chigger bites were so bad that many a time they led to secondary infections and the CONSTANT taking of allergy tablets to help ease the urge to scratch my skin off right down to the bone.

The ugly bites and scars also meant that I could not wear a skirt, dress or even Capri pants on searing hot Summer days without feeling self-concious.

Believe it or not, I even subjected myself to the excruciating pain of pouring straight alcohol into the bleeding sores to try and stop the incessant desire to itch - ummmm just so you know THAT didn't work, and only reduced me to a blubbering, crying mess.

Well, after the past two unbearable summers, and a TON of research, I totally pysched myself up this past Memorial Day weekend and was prepared to be BITTEN to death, (as Memorial Day seems to be when it always starts), although these evil critters don't really affect anyone else in my home.... I must just have "tasty blood".

Over the past couple of months, (in order to tackle my new fear of Summer) and based on my extensive research, I prepped our yard environment (we live on over an acre of woods and grassy land on a lake - YES PRIME mozzie & chigger breeding conditions)....

Let me tell you that I spent the entire Memorial Day weekend outsie, (this includes after it rained which brought the humid warm air & damp ground, another Mozzie & Chigger loving scenario) .... and you know what - my efforts have paid off! Did I get a bite? (well one, but that occurred when I was off our newly secured premses).  In comparison to the past, I am literally JUMPING up and down with joy, instead of madly scratching like a monkey with fleas.

So, if you have to take deep breaths before going outside, if you fear summer and (strangely) would prefer the icy, sowy months of winter - there are SOME SAFE and easy solutions which you can implement to rid yourself of these annoying critters.

Please note: that because we live on a lake property (where kids swim etc) we also have to watch what we use in our yard as the run off goes into the lake.  The solutions which we are going to share with you, are safe for you, your kiddos, your pets and also the environment.

What we discovered is that you have to perform a couple of different steps - some for your direct living/yard environment and a couple for you personally (it's a layered approach)

If you would like to know how we did it click on the pay now button below and for ONLY $2.50 (yes you read that correctly ONLY $2.50) we will email to you a detailed 6 page Step-by-Step guide to help YOU reclaim your summer. This report is absolutely invaluable to Chigger & Mozzie sufferers and I could easily put a $$ figure on it of upwards of $40 (which BELIEVE me I, myself would have gladly paid considering I have actually spent in excess of HUNDREDS of $$ on products (which were useless) to test as well as months of time in research).  The reason which we are giving YOU this guide at such a low price is because I personally know what a misery these creatures bring and I hate to see others suffering as I did. Click on the PAY now button - you will be charged ONLY $2.50 for this invaluable information which will be emailed to you shortly, make sure that you give us your correct email address 
Only $2.50 to help you reclaim your Summer Outdoor Freedom, and allow you to enjoy sitting outside without having to wear your Hazmat Suit.

Snoring, Snoring, Snoring - Do you NEED sleep?

Snoring is enough to drive anyone CRAZY! are you waking up tired and frustrated; or just plain fed up with a spouse that's constantly sawing logs then we've got a treat for you!
Stop Snoring, and Start Sleeping Like a Baby! In less than 7 Days, without Annoying Throat Wraps, Nose Clips or any Other Cockamamie Devices.

You and Your Loved Ones Can Get a Good Nights Sleep. Check it out here.

Plastic or Paper .... Better yet .. Say NEITHER

Once you check out this quick video clip with Edward Norton, you will NEVER want to accept a paper or a plastic bag at the store again.  Whether you choose to purchase a reusable one from your local grocery store or whether you would like to check out this one - but either way, for the sake of the environment which we live in we all have to stand up and take action even if that action is simply saying NO to plastic or paper.

Safe non-toxic Household Cleaners

Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaners
Now if you really aren't interested in making your own cleaners a simple, effective, safe, NON-Toxic solution for all of your cleaning needs is right here
The link will take you to just one of the safe products for use around your home, and you can navigate around to find additional items to create your own non-toxic home cleaning or car cleaning kit and accessories. 

Fresh smelling Toilet Cleaner - DIY Recipe

The chemicals in toilet cleaners are among the worse -not only for you, but also for the environment.  Simple solutions apart from finding some non-toxic cleaners are to make your own. 

Vinegar is one staple item you should have in your home at all times - it is a POWERFUL cleaner, and also when sprayed on your kitchen benches helps detract those "pesty" ants (as they hate it). 

Here is a nice home made toilet cleaner that will leave your bathroom smelling fresh as a "daisy" or at least a lemon.
  • 2 Tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 Tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 Lemon
Mix the baking soda and vinegar together and scrub the toilet clean- Flush.  Then squeeze the juice from the lemon, add some directly to the bowl, and the remainder into the cistern at the top.
*Tip - to help remove the build up in your toilets - place 1/2 cup of vinegar into the bowl at night.  The vinegar will break down all of the bacteria.  This is also a great tip if you are going to be going away for a few days - leave some vinegar in each of your toilets while you are gone

Fruity-cinnamon Air Freshener - DIY Recipe of the day

Many commercial air fresheners contain a pollutant called formaldehyde - do you really want to be spraying that stuff around? Either you can start researching and looking for safer alternatives - or why not use what you most likely have in your home already.
What you need:-
  • 1 pot of water
  • 2 Cinnamon sticks
  • 1/2 lemon or orange - sliced
Fill the pot 3/4 of the way with water and add the cinnamon sticks and fruit.  Simmer for one to two hours.  You can substitue cinnamon with allspice or cloves for variation.  Your home will smell delicious while this is simmering.  When finished, allow the solution to cool - strain it and place in a spray bottle to use.

Fantastic Lunchboxes - totally Eco-friendly

These Lunch Boxes are safe, cost effective, time-saving and very Eco-friendly.
They're BPA-free, SAFE and environmentally friendly, too! You'll find it easy to 'go green' by using EasyLunchboxes for a waste-free lunch. In our home, we keep a few sets of Easy Lunch Boxes. This way, we can pack lunches for the family in one set of containers, while the other lunchboxes are in the dishwasher! Easy! No more messy (and environmentally unfriendly) plastic bags, or ziploc baggies which are good only for a single use. The best lunchboxes accommodate different types of food, and the three compartment plastic food containers can hold a sandwich and two side dishes. Now, if you have 4 kids like we do, you’ll appreciate that there are only 8 pieces in your dishwasher every night instead of the 24 different plastic bottoms and lids you’d have to use if you were to pack the same lunches! What a timesaver, now that you won’t have to dry and put away all those mismatched food container pieces! - a pack of 4 will cost you less than $15.00!! Amazing value ..
and FYI - The average school lunch generates 67 pounds of waste during one school year (EPA.gov).If 15,000 families commit to packing waste-free lunches, one million pounds of waste can be eliminated from our landfills.

I also totally love the Waste Free Lunch Kit.  It comes in one of two styles and will save you money over and over again  Check them out.

Saving Tip of the Day

Let your dishes air dry.  A dishwasher uses more energy to dry dishes than to wash them.  If your dishwasher doesn't have an automatic air-dry switch, turn off the control knob after the final rinse and prop the door open to let moisture escape.

Use your dishwasher only for full loads.  Be sure it is full, but not overloaded when you turn it on.  Improper loading can result in poorly cleaned dishes which then need to be rewashed.

If you are in the market for a new dishwasher, look for energy saving features.

Improve your Home Air quality

  • Open up your windows - get some FRESH air into your home.  Best of all this is FREE.
  • Don't use chemical air fresheners - if you really want to remove odors stay tuned for our next entry with some wonderful home-made safe solutions.
  • Don't use paraffin wax candles or gel candles.  Look for soy based candles instead as the others contain petroleum derivatives or artificial (poisonous) chemicals hidden in the word fragrance.
  • Use NON-Toxic home cleaners
  • Get rid of your carpets (carpets are one of the biggest air-quality culprits in your home, they are treated with chemicas which let off gas, carpets act as traps for dirt, allergens, mold, toxic poisons from inside and outside your home).
  • Consider room air purifiers for your home
  • Remove vinyls from your home (eg: your vinyl shower curtain is probably releasing toxic gases) as PVC has been found to discharge chemicals called phthalates which cause respiratory problems.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector near all sleeping areas of your home.
  • Test for Radon - radon is an invisible and lethal killer, and is the second leading cause of lung-cancer.

Allergies? or is it YOUR air?

Well it's that time of the year again - or IS IT REALLY the air YOU are breathing inside??
Do you find yourself suffering from allergies that you NEVER had before.
Suddenly you are allergic to dogs/cats or even start to feel unwell when you are anywhere indoors?

Americans spend 90% of their time indoors - sad/but true, whether at home, work, inside their car, shopping malls etc.

Did you know that toxic chemicals found in common commerical and household cleaners dispersed around your home, car, and other indoor environments which everyone is then either breathing or touching are more than 3 times likely to cause cancer than other air pollutants?  And they DEFINITELY increase "allergies", respiratory problems and asthma (read previous article).

According to the American Cancer Society prior to the 20th Century only 1 in 8,000 people were stricken with cancer. Since the industrial revolution and the introduction of a myriad of chemicals into our lives the incidence of cancer has increased to a startling 1 in 3 people.

Since WWII more than 80,000 chemicals for use in cleaners, pesticides, plastic, personal care products, industrial products and other modern day conveniences. There is LITTLE known about the effects of these chemicals (individually let alone combined) on a child's development.

All purpose cleaners, room deodorizes, kitchen detergents, disinfectants, furniture polishes, glass cleaners, laundry detergents, metal polishes, furniture sprays, spot treatments, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners,  car cleaners, etc.  contain so many chemicals and toxic hazardous materials (many which I can't even pronounce).  Just imagine how many of these you USE on a daily basis (on TOP of your personal care products). 

Can you even begin to imagine the impact of the compounding effects of each of these chemicals as they slowly build up in your body and also in the bodies of your children and your pets - who you probably aren't allergic to anyway (it is all the toxins that they are carrying around on them from inside your home, from your garden where you spray pest poisons, weed poisons, from the streets where they walk around and pick up other poisons) then you let them back into your home sitting all over your furniture, bedding, playing with your children.... hmmmmm

Frightening isn't it? We can help you with safer non-toxic solutions, just visit our website for more information.

Listed here are just SOME of the toxins found in those household products and what some of the KNOWN effects are of them.

Chlorinated materials, glycol ether, Stoddard solvent, naphta, kerosene, Sodium bromide, methoxychlor, aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, pikperonal butixide, butyl cellosove, diglycol laurate, amyl acetate, mineral spirits, tetrapotassium pyrophasphate, fluosilicate,  and more and more...

These chemicals are KNOWN to cause the following health concerns - do any of the symptoms sound familiar to you:-

Liver and Kidney poisoning, confusion, headaches, lack of concentration, symptoms of mental illness, allergic reactions, cancer, central nervous system depressants, death, upper respiratory tract irritations, brighteners in laundry detergent can cause STRONG allergic reactions when exposed to sunlight.

Actually each of those household chemicals mentioned - all cause those previous health concerns - again HOW many of them are you using?  Combine the usage and imagine just bathing yourself in one big chemical pot of toxins. Head over to either of our sites either here or here for information on how we can help you.

What are your children breathing in at School?

Schools SHOULD be using non-toxic cleaning products – Is YOURS?

So you’ve made the switch to a healthier home for you and your family because you want everyone to feel better and be SAFE – right? 

But what about where your kiddos spend the better part of their day? School… sitting on things, touching things, playing on the floor? Nearly 1 in 8 school aged children have asthma. This rate is rising most rapidly in pre-school aged children (which is Why YOU should make the switch to healthier Non-toxic products). As a concerned parent, a tax-payer you have the right to know what your school is using to clean the environment where your children spend their day – don’t you? So ask – and then if they are using toxic chemicals – demand them to STOP.

Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism due to chronic illness. Every year asthma accounts for 14 million lost days of school! When Non-Toxic cleaners are used in your home and also in the school environment there will be a measurable improvement in the attitudes and behavior of the students.

Children are more attentive and better behaved because of the lack of neurotoxins or "brain poisons" found in chemical cleaning products. It is difficult to learn in an environment in which one does not feel good. Absenteeism (of students AND teachers) will also be reduced, since immune system deficiency is linked to toxic cleaning chemicals.

But children are not the only beneficiaries of using non-toxic cleaners. Janitorial staff often has direct contact with high concentrations of cleaning chemicals and therefore may suffer serious and direct injury due to their use. Janitorial workers experience relatively high injury rates, many of which are due to the toxic chemicals found in cleaning products, particularly floor and carpet maintenance products, disinfectants and specialty cleaners. These chemicals can cause headaches, asthma, burns, permanent eye damage, major organ damage and even cancer.

Did you know pesticides can be found in disinfectants and sanitizers and that is why they must be registered with the EPA? So what to do? First and foremost – go and learn some more check out what products YOU are using and how bad the chemicals in them are (why do you think they are labeled as POISON?).

Do you know how many calls are made to the poison hotline EVERY year because a child has swallowed some of the poisonous toxic chemicals in your house?
Well it is more than 2 million (yes you read that correctly) and 50% of those are related to children under the age of 6..

Don’t believe me – believe the facts … and check it out yourself. http://www.epa.gov/opp00001/health/poisonprevention.htm

We at Preserve-it Ltd, can help you – we offer a Eco-Consulting service for your home and we carry non-toxic & Eco-friendly supplies. We can also help your local school turn over a new leaf, with walk-throughs, advice, speak at PTA and other committee meetings as well as help you with “Green” fundraising. Contact us for any further information that you might need.

Saving Tip of the Day

Changing the world and your energy costs start with simple actions.  When you replace lightbulbs or light fixtures with energy efficient ones you preserve energy resources and reduce globabl warming while saving time and money buying and changing light bulbs in your home.  Energy efficient qualified lighting provides bright, warm light, uses around 75% less energy than standard lighting producing around 75% less heat and lasts up to 10 times longer.... you can literally save around $50-$75 in energy costs and replacement costs of the lifetime course of ONE LIGHTBULB... How many do you have in your home??